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Beyond Traditional Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Approaches – how we make progress in anti-racism.


Updated: Jun 1, 2024

On the 20th of June 2024, Ayo Barley, MD Bakare Barley Ltd will be speaking at a roundtable session at the Race and Socially Engaged Research Conference. 

This is a postgraduate-led interdisciplinary conference that aims to provide an interactive and supportive space for postgraduate and early career social science researchers to present their research and network with peers across the country. The conference is led by a collaborative group of PhD students from the University of York and York St John University.

The conference theme this year is ‘Resistance, Joy and Community in Hostile Environments.’ The conference will have themed panels of PGR and ECR presentations, artistic workshops, two roundtable sessions, a delegate exhibition, and an evening reception with keynote speaker.

The round table, made up of experts from the University of York and the Leeds Beckett will be exploring Roundtable- Reimagining anti-racism beyond diversification, representation and traditional approaches to EDI?”.


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