Advancing equity, supporting people: On Wednesday, June 7th, the leading provider of EDI solutions will mark Pride Month 2023 with an informative online seminar.
April 8, 2023, Liverpool, UK - Bakare Barley, Ltd., a leading provider of diversity, equity, and inclusion (EDI) solutions, is proud to announce that it will be marking Pride Month by hosting an important event titled, "The Inclusion Exchange: Elevating Transgender Inclusion in the Workplace." The essential webinar will take place via Zoom on Wednesday, June 7, 2023, from noon until 1 pm GMT.
"We are proud to be bringing our listeners an episode specifically exploring the experiences of one of the most marginalised communities in the UK," says Ayo Barley MD and Senior EDI Practitioner at Bakare Barley, Ltd. "By raising awareness, we hope to be a catalyst for change as people take away knowledge and practical tools that they can use to improve equality of the transgender community."
This webinar's timely subject matter allows for the use of Pride Month as a springboard for improvement in areas where companies fail transgender employees.
According to a recent article in Harvard Business Review, "while many companies have made progress in creating more inclusive cultures for LGB (lesbian, gay, and bisexual) employees, transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) employees routinely experience both subtle and blatant forms of aggression, insensitivity, rudeness, and discrimination at work."*
The article, which includes multiple in-depth surveys, goes on to point out that "fewer than one-third of TGNC respondents reported being fully out at work." Furthermore, it cites statistics that show, “at companies where senior leaders are committed to DEI, 84% of employees feel valued and respected, as opposed to 44% at companies where leaders are not committed."**
Although businesses are making efforts to establish more inclusive cultures for their employees, there is still room for improvement. Thus, this critical online seminar is a valuable tool and an indispensable resource for those seeking to improve their comprehension and recognition of EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) in the workplace, particularly in relation to transgender employees.
The event, hosted by Ayo Barley, will feature an interview and insights with Eva Echo, who serves as the Director of Innovation at Birmingham Pride. Echo is a public speaker, writer, and activist with a particular focus on transgender rights and mental health. During the event, Echo will draw from their experiences as an educator, writer, and activist promoting trans rights to share insights on this vital issue.
In addition, a variety of relevant topics will be discussed, including
What are the barriers and experiences of transgender people in the workplace?
What can EDI professionals, leaders and managers do to support transgender people and move beyond pronouns?
Practical tips and takeaways for people that are trying to make changes in their workplace.
This webinar, the seventh in the Inclusion Exchange Video Podcast series, is designed for people who are curious about how to improve and want to catalyse progress in advancing equity in their organisation. Everyone who is committed to equity is encouraged to register for this Pride Month online seminar.
About Bakare Barley, Ltd.: Founded in 2021 by Ayo Barley, Bakare Barley, Ltd. is a diversity, equity, and inclusion solutions provider, dedicated to supporting marginalized communities and providing effective strategies to improve EDI in the workplace.
CONTACT: To find out more about Bakare Barley, Ltd., to register for "The Inclusion Exchange: Elevating Transgender Inclusion in the Workplace" webinar, or to arrange an interview for an article, please contact us.
Website: https://www.bakarebarley.com/
The Inclusion Exchange: https://www.bakarebarley.com/theinclusionexchange
Webinar Registration:
Footnotes: * ** “Companies Are Failing Trans Employees” Harvard Business Review, March 31, 2023 https://hbr.org/2023/03/companies-are-failing-trans-employees
